
Sunday, June 18, 2017

Surprise Father's Day with Elvis at Shopping Center in Pleasant Hill CA

'one night with you'

Surprise Father's Day with Elvis at Shopping Center in Pleasant Hill CA
I just happened to stop by Nob Hill Foods in Pleasant Hill and who should I come upon?  I heard some Elvis background music  as I approached the store and followed the music around a corner just behind a speaker to find a man sitting at a table  while a sound machine was playing the backtrack to 'One Night With You'. But, nobody was singing the words. I quickly realized this was Elvis with  awaiting an audience.  When he realized he had one, of sorts, he perked up and started singing! It was a fun way to spend a portion of Father's Day... 

'One Night With You/ And I Love You So'

'Hound Dog'  Fast and slow versions

My conversation with Elvis / Can't Help Falling in Love