
Saturday, November 25, 2023

60 Years Later, JFK's Interrupted Dream Remains Unfulfilled - How One Man Made A Difference

MLK Jr Had A Dream, JFK Tried To Fulfill That Dream 60 years ago ... a dream that to this day still awaits to become reality. If anything, the Dream has probably been set back further, 'thanks' to one tragic day, Nov 22 , 1963 from which we've never recovered.  Fascinating article , 'A Dream Interrupted,'  from Steve Bhaerman, inspired by James Douglass' book. It's a well-sourced , well-written view of how politics and personal ego got in the way and destroyed the dreams and the positive direction of one great man , who lost his life- and the world lost its moral compass. As a kid, a noticed an immediate Sea Change in society and culture . Hard to believe one man  could have made thst much difference , but, now I am really believing it- with my new knowledge from this fine read>>>
Steve Bhareman traces back todays society ills to that fateful day in 1963 , 60 years ago when we lost our moral compass, as it were, in perhaps the foremost leader of our time, who in three short years did what those followed could not- keeping the peace, tranquility and Ĥappy Days . Great read, as well as the referenced good by Douglass >>>

I am an involved JFK affianado and assasination devotee still trying to understand what happened back as a 11 year old  who couldn't finish my lunch on that dark day , Nov 22, 1963, when I heard the news of the Unspeakable tragedy. 

My belief  'pendulum' keeps swinging back and forth and now it has swung back more towards the government's/CIA's involvement or possibly Castro's. Originally,  I was one of many brainwashed by the Warren report but all alomg never forgot Lee Harvey Oswald'a last words, 'I'm a patsy' only minutes before i watched as he, too, was, unfortunately, shot down as I watched,  horrified, on TV. Now, more than ever, I believe those last words from Oswald. BHAREMAN and Douglass show how the warhawk 'military complex' and 'all politics' VP Lyndon Johnson were against Kennedy's pacifistic efforts to get get us out of the Cuban waters and his attempted prevention of the coming Vietnamese war.

I've long said that todays problems in America date back 60 years to thst 'day the music died, ' as it were, along with our collective conscious'.

Of course the music continued albeit with an edginess- we got the talented Beatles and related for awhile- but seemed to me like the spirit came out of the balloon (if I may make a weak analogy) as society mourned -but only to some extent. Some, like the new president, Johnson, used the occasion to his advantage, doing what his warlords wanted with Vietnam- what he thought politically expedient. It backfired on Johnson but the damage was done. America lost its innocense- we all need a dose of that- and started turning mean-spirited. One cause celeb after another. War and protest was becoming a part of the new American way. 

Apparently, the media was already begginning to assert itself -even going so far as to disparage the late JFK for his alleged multiple affairs, instead of remembering him for how he got US out of the Cuban crisis and his attempts to quell the uprisings in Vietnam before that was shot down, as well as his  positive outlook, which served as a beacon. Perhaps Kennedy was the last role model President. As a personal aside, I was fortunate enough to see and hear Kennedy speak at the Charter Day address in 1962 at .U.C. Berkeley, before over 50,000! (My mother took me.) I don't think any president since then could begin to attract such a throng...

With all the 'propaganda' in America today we've become like the Russia we used to rail against. And so it goes. We've gone 180 degrees in the wrong direction. Maybe you can't blame it ALL on the Kennedy assasination but, after reading this fine treatise, I now believe more than ever that Kennedy WAS, perhaps, the BUDDY HOLLY of the entire society and culture , and when we lost him we lost not only the music,  but the good conscience  throughout all of society!

While we're at it, the music of the Kennedy 'Camelot' early-60s era never got its fair due in that early pioneering rock and roll time when even Elvis was still disdained by many. HOLLY may have died but there was still great, melodic and rythmic music, albeit a slightly softer sound. We can also thank Kennedy for his contribution to these 'Happy Days' sounds that were a reflection of his positive leadership, unlike the darker days and years that would follow Kennedy indefintely.  To continue Steve's way of thinking, musically, perhaps you might enjoy reading:


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