Saw Glen's 'final' public concert, as quoted by his son in the band last night at Napa, Ca. Now there's talk of Glen
continuing to perform, despite an advancing state of Alzheimers. We will say that the condition was definitely noticable i
n his performance last night, but , frankly, it didn't detract one iota. In fact, it somehow added to the man's charm. Had it affected his singing, Campbell could easily be criticized for going on with Alzheimers, as others hasve in the past, but he only joked about it. As his longtime manager states in the attached Huff Post article, Campbell has had some of his strongest performance's of late in his 'Farewell Tour' in California. We caught him also when he began the tour mid summer in Santa Rosa, CA. This concert began a bit disjointed with Campbell calling out the sound crrew for repeated problems with sound. Some in the audience perhaps thought he was out of line, but, in fact, we did notice the sound improved once the issues were dealt with.
Glen Campbell
Campbell 's three kids opened the with their group, Victoria Ghost. Their bluegrass meets country sound is very different from Campbell's more pop-rock sound. One son is on drums and the other son, on guitar, frounds the group along with sister, on Mandolin and Banjo.
After seven songs, Campbell came out to a standing ovation in this old, remodeled movie theater. The show was also being filmed. After Campbell's many sound complaints one ondered if he might go off, but he settled down and even improved as the show went on, perhaps feeding off the audience's warm vibe. He sang most of his hits including 'This Time,' though written many years ago relates to his current plight, perhaps his version of 'My Way.' Another autobiographical song of his new album was intriguing and a Jimmy Webb song and then the big hits, Rhinestone Cowboy ' and 'summer Nights' closed the show to more standing ovations.
Throughout the show Campbell's daughter, who appeared to be running things, frequently whispered directions to Campbell that he might have forgotten. After the show she came out and signed autographs in his stead for nearly an hour as the group packed up for the bus, waiting outside.
It's been a good, long run for Campbell, from his early days as a studio musician with the Beach Boys, Elvis, and others to having his own TV show, the Goodtime Hour, with many hit recordings along the way. We wish Glen well, whatever he decides to do.. -BK
Glen Campbell May Continue To Perform With Alzheimer's
NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Glen Campbell may be wrapping up a goodbye tour but that doesn't mean he's done with the stage. Campbell is considering scheduling more shows next year after playing more than 120 dates in 2012.
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