Friday, August 30, 2024

'I can’t believe I got to my batting average' -- Uecker celebrates 90

'I can’t believe I got to my batting average' -- Uecker celebrates 90

Enjoying the great Bob Uecker broadcasting still for the 1st place Milwaukee Braves following a COUPLE YEARS of surgeries and losing his daughter and It was only like Bob to ask his Partners a philosophical/scientific question right during the baseball game about who came up with the number of months and weeks and days in a year.

Enjoying the great Bob Uecker broadcasting still for the 1st place Milwaukee Braves beating the SF Gia ts and It was only like Bob to ask 'For you computer people' his Partners a philosophical/scientific question right during the baseball game about who came up with the number of months and weeks and days in a year.

We have an answer! Ueker partner c hecked and found Julius Caesar and partners responsible but still  no answer why some months have 31 and one only 29 days.  pope Gregory 13 changed calendar from 365 1/4 days to 365 with the help of a leap Day every four years

see MLB article

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