Saturday, September 3, 2022

'Old Age' and the First Billboard Top 100

 'He died of old age.' The last time someone officially died of 'old age ' was 1951

Remember when news reports would state  John Doe 'died of old age?'
The last time someone officially died of 'old age ' was 1951. Comic Redd Fox
Used to complain that 'health nuts' went crazy, rightfully so,  when they weren't given a real reason  how people died. So, in 1951 the powers that be decided that death notices must include specific medical reasons how people passed away, i.e.heart attack, cancer, etc. Of course, medical reports have sort of devolved back, but, not to be agist, we can now die of 'natural causes,' still without providing the REAL reason. But then, arent people entitled to privacy , not having to honor others' morbid curiosity?

Continued below

First Billboard Hot 100

The first number one song of the Billboard Hot 100 was "Poor Little Fool" by Ricky Nelson, on August 4, 1958.

On August 4, 1958, Billboard premiered one main all-genre singles chart: the Hot 100. The Hot 100 quickly became the industry standard and Billboard discontinued the Best Sellers In Stores chart on October 13, 1958. What we enjoyed back then was the mix of musical genres including pop, easy listening, instrumental, country and western, rhythm and blues and the new rock and roll

Here is the top 5 for Aug 4, 1958:

The Billboard 100 survey continues today but not sure how 'hot' it is,   based now  not so much on record sales or even CD sales since there are so few .
As Bill O'Reilly notes , the current Top 10 titles you probably never heard of, or don't want to.  'Let's go back to 1958,' he says. For the full top 100 Aug 4 , 1958:

Old Age continued

Aging — in and of itself — is not a cause of death.(There is a phenomenon known as "geriatric failure to thrive," which scientists are studying, but it's extremely rare).

When most of us say someone died of old age, what we really mean is that someone died as a result of an illness (like pneumonia) or an event (like a heart attack) that a healthy, stronger person would likely have survived.

-Business Insider

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